Meet Lyndal
Certified Sex, Love and Relationship Coach & Female Sexuality and Tantric Sex Expert
Hi, I'm Lyndal.
A tantrika and women's sexuality coach with a passion for helping women realize their potential for orgasm, pleasure and emotional liberation.
I am passionate about helping women live their most authentic lives by stripping back the layers of conditioning in a patriarchal world and feeling deeply into who they really are by integrating their sexual life force energy with heart, body, mind and spirit.
I have well and truly completed my 10,000 hours in the area of sexuality, tantra and mental health.
Vita trained sex, love and relationship coach through the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality majoring in female sexuality, a 650 hour + intensive with Layla Martin.
Tantric Embodiment, 1 year intensive with Tantric Blossoming.
Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System, level 1
Quodoushka Sacred Sexuality level 1, 2 and 3
Shamanic De-Armouring
Various tantra and women's intensive retreats and many other short courses.
I have also worked as a Registered Nurse in Mental Health for 20 years in every area possible from community, private inpatient, drug and alcohol services to working in Forensic Psychiatry and with asylum seekers. You can feel assured that I am able to hold space for any challenges that may come up for you. I've seen and experienced a lot in my career and hold absolutely no judgement towards just about everyone. All of who you are is welcome.
I discovered Tantra when I was in my early 30's. Prior to that, I was living a life that was not in alignment with my true self. I enjoyed sex and often had a boyfriend but my heart felt completely disconnected from my sexuality. It was more of a head game, a performance. I was too busy trying to please and fit into the right mould of how a woman is "supposed to be" that I was not focussing on my own pleasure and couldn't fully let go.
I'd always considered myself a feminist but had a lot of confusion around sexual liberation and empowerment for a woman as I wasn't sure what that looked like. I knew there was a better way but didn't know how or what... until I discovered tantra.
When I dove into my first tantra retreat. It changed my life. It was confronting at first but with practice, I discovered that my body and pleasure were all mine! My body belonged to me and exploring all it had to offer was actually fun! I learnt that I could have heartgasms, crygasms, even angergasms. I learnt to have full body orgasms and I could be fully expressed. I learnt to welcome all of who I am including the shadow parts i'd been pushing down. I discovered my life force energy and never looked back. I can integrate, let go and be my true self!!
Lyndal Muscio Sexuality Coach
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